Writing and Mice Cuties

by emmawriter

So, what do you do when your having a ‘rainy day’ in writing? Turn to blogging of course!

After reaching many mile-markers in writing a manuscript this past week (115,000 words, 500 pages), I’m finding writing terribly dull in the fact that I don’t have any excitement upcoming, in my face. Sure, there’s 100,000 words, but my mind isn’t allowing itself to register that I am THAT CLOSE,  and all of the sudden, my self-set due date as the end of September is looming closer than ever. I’ve never had a due date before and I’m beginning to worry that it will just be continuously pushed back until I’m back in June without anything finished.

But the thing is, I’m gonna do it. I’m on the second to last chapter, how hard can it be?

This will be the first time I will finish a story, and as impossible as it had seemed in the beginning, I’m going to write the words The End and nothing is going to stop me.

The fact that I am finishing doesn’t mean I know anything about writing though, it’s still just a scary thought that I’ll have to (gasp) edit, and I’m not exactly sure how I’ll go around it–or even that I’ll do it at this point, but I do know that at the dawn of 2013 there will be a nice, crisp stack of pages in a binder on my desk. A nice white binder, full of nice white pages.

I’m going to do it.

On another note, look at what Laini Taylor posted this week:

Isn’t he adorable! Though I would totally add a button to his belly.




Love love love, *sigh*. Aren’t they just the cutest! So in love with them, they make me wish I knew how to sew. Still, fun to look at, no?